We are now moving into our final week of training before Nationals. Woo Hoo!
Please try very hard NOT to do any extra this week. Let's go with the extreme tapering program - be as lazy as possible. Take elevators, lie down to study, everything you can do to give your body its best shot at peaking! Monday:
We officially into week 4 of our peaking program so things will change A LOT so pay attention and please don't start new activities. We only have 3 weeks until Nationals so it's time to start concentrating on staying/getting healthy, eating well, resting and focusing your energy where it is needed!
This peaking programs works extremely well if you
WooHoo! Another awesome race in the books!
Now it's time to finish the Rocky Mountain Conference schedule with a big weekend!!! We officially into week 3 of our peaking program so things will change at times so pay attention and please don't start new activities. We only have 3 weeks until Nationals so it's time to start concentrating on staying/getting healthy, eating well, resting and focusing your energy where it is needed! This peaking programs works extremely well if you
Time to SLAY THE DRAGON!!! Wow! What an awesomely beautiful weekend of racing - the trails, the weather, and the people!
We have officially started our peaking program so things will change at times so pay attention and please don't start new activities. We only have 4 weeks until Nationals so it's time to start concentrating on staying/getting healthy, eating well, resting and focusing your energy where it is needed! This peaking programs works extremely well if you
The workouts we have on the schedule are not all team practices BUT if you want to be at your best for the ski season they are ALL super important! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
What a fantastic weekend of racing! AMAZING performances by so many people!
This week we are headed to another great race - Alley Loop! Going to be super awesome! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper (Pepper descriptions) you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! The workouts we have on the schedule are not all team practices BUT if you want to be at your best for the ski season they are ALL super important! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday: Off
ARE YOU READY TO RACE!!! Here we go to the first USCSA Rocky Mountain Qualifier! Yay!
We'll be headed to Grand Mesa for a fun weekend of racing! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper (Pepper descriptions) you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! The workouts we have on the schedule are not all team practices BUT if you want to be at your best for the ski season they are ALL super important! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday: Off
We hope you all had a fantastic holiday season and got LOTS of skiing! The Elite Team got some AMAZING racing in! 6 races in 13 days! We'll be having a tad of a chill week so we can ramp back into the season!
We don't have a team race this weekend but we will be doing some skiing on Saturday or Sunday, pay attention to the Groupme for info. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper (Pepper descriptions) you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! The workouts we have on the schedule are not all team practices BUT if you want to be at your best for the ski season they are ALL super important! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday: Off
While it is awesome to go home, visit family and friends, eat great food, sleep tons and generally be lazy this is a very important time for training. All those things are helpful and fun if you get some training in first! If you want to get all tuned up for the upcoming season you'll need to do some work! Training for next two weeks: Week of 12/19
Week of 12/26
Week of 1/2
Week of 1/9
This week is an important week for training so please try to make it to practices when possible! We will also be hosting the Laramie High School Race this weekend. This will entail BOTH helping AND RACING!!!
We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper (Pepper descriptions) you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! The workouts we have on the schedule are not all team practices BUT if you want to be at your best for the ski season they are ALL super important! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
WE FOUND SNOW AND SKIING!!!!! What an awesome week of skiing! So needed and so fun! We thank you all for your engagement and excitement throughout the week! After all the hours of training last week we will have a chill, recovery week planned. This time of year you need to be dynamic and ready for change so watch the GroupMe and ask questions! Group training is in Green bold italics Monday: Off
Woohoo! We made it through the hard block of training for fall! GREAT JOB EVERYONE! Dragons were slayed!!!!
We are now headed into a bit of a recovery week and then a MAJOR training week (Thanksgiving!) SUPER FUN IS COMING! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper (Pepper descriptions) you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! The workouts we have on the schedule are not all team practices BUT if you want to be at your best for the ski season they are ALL super important! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
We got to ski!!!!!! It was a fantastic day on the trails! 10km loop with amazing early season skiing! Unfortunately there is still no snow at Happy Jack so we'll be back to dry land again this week AND we had the unfortunate time change happen as well. Makes for a rough time for training.
We will also change up our strength AND our core this week. Please watch for changes, the training for this week is our best guess. Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
Yay! You all made it through the rotation and it's time for a recovery block!
We will do practice at the beginning of the week and then take Thursday-Saturday off for rest AND to do the Benefit Dinner! Please watch for changes, this time of year the training is our best guess. Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
It Snowed!!!!! We have now entered the exciting and logistically challenging part of the year as we negotiate training as there is snow, but not enough to ski.
Please watch for changes, the training for this week is our best guess. Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
WOW!!! What an amazing weekend of training in an incredibly beautiful place!
Also super impressed with the incredible work that everyone put into this weekend, including the cook-off on Saturday night! This week we will be allowing your body to soak up the intensity so you can super-compensate and RAGE so we'll be doing a little less intensity this week. Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
Great work was done to get those ski trails ready for this winter! Well done!
We're so excited for what's coming this week - FORO!!! We have survived Hill Resistance and are ready for Fort Robinson (FORO)!!! EPIC!!! If you are wanting to come to FORO be sure to let us know, we have plenty of space this year! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper (Pepper descriptions) you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! The workouts we have on the schedule are not all team practices BUT if you want to be at your best for the ski season they are ALL super important! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
What a beautiful week of training. We've been taking full advantage of the beautiful leaves!
Congrats to everyone who did the Silent Trails race, you ROCK! It was a perfect LT workout at exactly the right time, well done! We have some changes this week so be sure to pay attention! Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
The quality of training this fall has been incredible! Thanks to all of you for your hard work!
This week we'll be continuing our movement towards winter with another week of Hill Resistance. There is some interesting weather coming at the end of the week so be sure to pay attention for changes in schedule. Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
Fall is here and we are taking full advantage of the changing leaves! Congrats to everyone who did the Silent Trails this weekend, what an awesome day!
We will be doing some different things this week so be sure to pay attention for the changes. Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
What a fun Sunday run, last mountain run of the season, we're assuming/hoping for snow in the mountains this week!
This week we officially move into the Hill Resistance and Lactate Threshold (LT) part of our training season. We will slowly build up to full speed, as it take much less time to gain than endurance. Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Period 3 training. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
Now THAT was an awesome weekend! We did awesome training in the fog and rain on Friday and Saturday and then had an extremely successful T2T on Sunday! Way to be everyone!!!!
Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Block 4 Training. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
WOW!!! What an amazing weekend of training!!! After spending time with this team we are super stoked for the season!!!!
We will now round out our quadruped section of training and get ready for hill resistance! Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Block 4 Training. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
Got through the first week of classes! Well done!!!
We are now headed into a fantastic fun weekend! Leadville Distance Camp!!! If you are able to come please let us know, we need to know how many people are coming. Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Block 4 Training. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
Awesome job on the final block of summer training! WooHoo!!!
We are also headed into the fall semester of school and training! Great fun! We are now on a recovery week and it is important to note that you should view the hours for the week as a hard ceiling and not go over them. Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Block 4 Schedule Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
AuthorSNOW Collaborators post on a variety of topics and thoughts. We also post the weekly training for the team here. Want to contribute? Let us know! Categories
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December 2024