What an incredible weekend! WOOHOO! Due to the awesome training we will be doing an easier week.
We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the hours for the other peppers here: Block 3 July Strength Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday: Leadville Distance Camp Tuesday:
Hope you all had a fantastic Holiday!
We are on Block 3, change to Core Rotation_3, AND change Strength! Be thoughtful about these changes and don't make your self too tired and sore! We have the third block of summer training posted; Block 3 Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. It will also help training for the summer! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Training Resoures Page. There will be no Team Training this week but here is what you want to be doing! Monday: OFF Tuesday:
This is a week for CHANGE! We change to Block 3, change to Core Rotation_3, AND change Strength! Be thoughtful about these changes and don't make your self too tired and sore!
Coaches will be out of town this week so enjoy your Holiday! We have the third block of summer training posted; Block 3 Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. It will also help training for the summer! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Training Resoures Page. There will be no Team Training this week but here is what you want to be doing! Monday: OFF Tuesday:
WOOHOO! We made it to recovery!!!! This is the week that you want to do no more than the planned training. If you've been doing the other training appropriately you'll need to give your body a break!
We have the second block of summer training posted; Block 2 Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. It will also help training for the summer! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Training Resoures Page. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday: OFF Tuesday:
Here we are in our final long week before a recovery week! Yay!
Please note the change in time for Wednesday. We have the second block of summer training posted; Block 2 Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. It will also help training for the summer! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Training Resoures Page. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday: OFF Tuesday:
Running late this week!
We have the second block of summer training posted; Block 2 Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. It will also help training for the summer! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Training Resoures Page. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday: OFF Tuesday:
Yay! First week of summer training. I know we've been training and skiing and backpacking but now we get into the heart of the summer! Yay!
We have the second block of summer training posted; Block 2 Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. It will also help training for the summer! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Training Resoures Page. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday: OFF Tuesday:
Here comes SKI CAMP!!!! Let's GOOOOOO!
We have the first block of summer training posted; Block 1 Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. It will also help when you head home for the summer! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Training Resoures Page. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday: OFF Tuesday:
This is a great week to keep working on getting completely ready to ROCK!
We have the first block of summer training posted; Block 1 Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. It will also help when you head home for the summer! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Training Resoures Page. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday: OFF Tuesday:
This week we officially start the next year of training! Woohoo!!!!
We know it's a tough time of year to start something new, with finals coming, but this will help your brain work better and help your concentration so you should try to make an effort to jump in! We have the first block of summer training posted; Block 1 Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. It will also help when you head home for the summer! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Training Resoures Page. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday: OFF Tuesday:
We are in the heart of the most important training of the year so we hope you are all feeling excited! If you are not getting a positive response from your training be sure to reach out and let's see if we can find a way to get you back on track!
We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the hours for the other peppers here: Block 4 Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
Whew! We made it to the recovery week! Well done everyone!
Remember that this week is all about getting recovered and ready to hit the next block so be sure to get rested. This will be very individual, some of you may have taken last week easy, but be sure to get ready for next week! We'll be taking the weekend off from team training to allow you to do whatever you want on this recovery week. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the hours for the other peppers here: Block 3 July Strength Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday: OFF Tuesday: Wednesday:
Wow! Summer is sure awesome for training! Nice to get out and enjoy our environment while it's lovely, green, and cool! We are in the heart of the most important training of the year so we hope you are all feeling excited! If you are not getting a positive response from your training be sure to reach out and let's see if we can find a way to get you back on track! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the hours for the other peppers here: Block 3 Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday: OFF Tuesday:
Monday: OFF
Awesome job on the final block of summer training! WooHoo!!!
We are also headed into the fall semester of school and training! Great fun! We are now on a recovery week and it is important to note that you should view the hours for the week as a hard ceiling and not go over them. Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Block 4 Schedule Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
We've had a challenging but fantastic week with our new skiers as they have adjusted to Laramie and been fighting illness. I think this week should be AMAZING and hoping we'll get everyone back on the trails.
We had to adjust an earlier recovery block so although the training says we are on recovery we are going to do one more conditioning/over distance week. Then recovery. Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Block 4 Training. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
We had to move some things around to accommodate a backpacking trip as well as travel for some super exciting activities. We are technically now in the 2nd week of Block 4, the final block, for the summer. Some of us are coming off a recovery week and others are in their second week. Either way we are back together!
Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Block 4 Training. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
In the heart of the summer training! Being so much fun!!!
Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Block 3 Training. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
Wow! We had SUCH an amazing weekend of training. Absolutely beautiful run to Native Lake and around the loop on Saturday and 3 days of rollerskiing on the Mineral Belt Trail! It was magical!
We're going to change things up a tad this week, due to the large volume of the past few days. Be sure to check it out for both our team training as well as when you are on your own. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! You will find the other pepper hours on the Block 3 Training. Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
AuthorSNOW Collaborators post on a variety of topics and thoughts. We also post the weekly training for the team here. Want to contribute? Let us know! Categories
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December 2024