What an awesome week of skiing! So needed and so fun! We thank you all for your engagement and excitement throughout the week! After all the hours of training last week we will have a chill, recovery week planned. This time of year you need to be dynamic and ready for change so watch the GroupMe and ask questions! Group training is in Red Monday: Off
Woohoo! Here we are at one of the best times of the year because we get to SKI SKI SKI!
This is the week where we do tons of hours and then add in some speed, just for fun! Those of you who will be going to the camp we have a very tentative schedule For those who will be training on your own you want to look at the schedule above and think about how you might mirror it as much as possible. Notes:
Woohoo! We made it through the hard block of training for fall! GREAT JOB EVERYONE! Dragons were slayed!!!!
We are now headed into a major recovery week and then a MAJOR training week (Thanksgiving!) SUPER FUN IS COMING! We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper (Pepper descriptions) you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! The workouts we have on the schedule are not all team practices BUT if you want to be at your best for the ski season they are ALL super important! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
LOTS of changes this week so read carefully!
This week we will continue our Anaerobic Development but the activities are going to be variable depending upon your goals for the season! Also, we had to change the times due to Day Light Savings Time. If you are headed to WUG and you are feeling good you should make a serious attempt to get to ALL THREE speed workouts. If you are not going to WUG we want you to choose 2 of the options, we do not want you doing all three but you can come to the other day to do an alternative work out if you'd like. We will be posting the training for Jalapeno Peppers, if you don't know which Pepper (Pepper descriptions) you are please contact us and we'll help you decide! The workouts we have on the schedule are not all team practices BUT if you want to be at your best for the ski season they are ALL super important! Team Training will be in Green bold italics Monday:
AuthorSNOW Collaborators post on a variety of topics and thoughts. We also post the weekly training for the team here. Want to contribute? Let us know! Categories
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December 2024