Ripple Effect!I’d like to recognize Eva, TJ, CJ, Stein, Derek, and Colton for being one of the best leaf raking teams I’ve seen. Often with such a big group some people end up standing around but that never happened with these guys. Everyone had a great attitude and was super efficient!
The Ripple Effect award is given to athletes whose actions have a positive effect on their coaches, teammates, perception of the team by the public or the University of Wyoming community Eva for Ripple Effect. She was really helpful this weekend when we came across some tough times. Thank you to Maddy for creating a graphic explaining Nordic Skiing.
The Ripple Effect award is given to athletes whose actions have a positive effect on their coaches, teammates, perception of the team by the public or the University of Wyoming community Trevor for Ripple because he really set a precedent for Silas and I about how to approach our races, including warmup, cool down, changing base layers. Thanks for a great weekend! My ripple effect is ol Trev for drivin my skis around for me all the time! I’d like you give ripple effect to Ry, Trev, Ella, and Kat because they were fast to volunteer to drive people to the race when we didn’t have Clifford. I’d like to nominate Ella, Ben, and Bryan for the ripple effect for keeping cool heads and keeping each other warm when our stuff was stolen. * Coach will add to this group Kailee for using her smarts to find her phone and track down the car! I appreciated everyone staying for the last two rounds of the sprint! They could have driven their own cars back to Leadville, but instead they stood in the cold for another hour to watch.
The Ripple Effect award is given to athletes whose actions have a positive effect on their coaches, teammates, perception of the team by the public or the University of Wyoming community I’d like to give Emily and Em Ripple effect points, because on Saturday even though they didn’t do the team sprints they still came up and found a spot on the course to cheer everyone on. I am nominating Kailee for a Ripple award this week for her incredible patience and artistic skills when they were most needed. I would like to nominate Sloan for the Ripple Effect Award this week. Usually Mama Watson spends most of her evening washing dishes but Sloan was helping through the entire stack of dishes! All with a smile! Maddy & Kailee stepped up on Saturday when someone wanted to deliver a coach to the storage units. We needed someone to run out there in a hurry and they both jumped in! This is wonderful outreach to the UW Community because the person is in administration. Thank you!
The Ripple Effect award is given to athletes whose actions have a positive effect on their coaches, teammates, perception of the team by the public or the University of Wyoming community I would like to nominate Ella, Maddy and Rylie for ripple effect this week. Ella was a fantastic group leader for the clinic and gave me some great pointers on my technique. Maddy and Rylie took time to work with me, and did a really good job helping me with technique and were very encouraging while doing it! I would like to nominate Sydney for the ripple award. Every time I see her at practice she makes me feel so welcome and accepts me for who I am. She also makes me laugh every time I see her. I love her sense of humor! I also have been so inspired by her dedication and hard work to get back to feeling good and skiing fast!
The Ripple Effect award is given to athletes whose actions have a positive effect on their coaches, teammates, perception of the team by the public or the University of Wyoming community Trevor was a great training partner while skiing, and helped me and the other freshman with all of our activities. I nominate Trevor for the ripple award because he did a great job of keeping the team together over camp and encouraging everyone after the time trial. Maddy was super fun and a great role model. She helped me with logistics and just made the camp awesome! I want to nominate Maddy and Rylie for stepping up as incredible leaders for the younger kids. From helping freshmen with lunches, to scraping the snow off Clifford, to taking charge of dinner, I am so impressed with the leaders both of them have become over the last year and it really showed this week! Derek helped make my week better he could tell I was feeling down and was there for me as a teammate and a friend which is what we all need! I want to nominate Derek. No matter what, he is always positive, hardworking, and eager to help in anyway he can. Ben & Derek were incredible and took time out of their afternoon to shovel snow for Dick & Evelyn! Coaches would like to nominate the everyone for such amazing teamwork! This is how great teams are born, as small laughter, support, and camaraderie!
Many Dragons will be slain this year! The Ripple Effect award is given to athletes whose actions have a positive effect on their coaches, teammates, perception of the team by the public or the University of Wyoming community Ben Noren, Trevor, Silas, and Derek. Ben has shared some sage advice with me about life, skiing, and women as well as made me feel at home. As for the other boys, they helped me at a time when I was at a low point. Trevor is my nomination this week, because he drove us to skiing, he hosted us last night, he helped me out a lot with all sorts of things this week, also he’s just great.
The Ripple Effect award is given to athletes whose actions have a positive effect on their coaches, teammates, perception of the team by the public or the University of Wyoming community I would like to nominate Ella. She did an amazing job organizing the benefit dinner, and she did it with such a positive attitude and smile on her face! She was so patient with everyone, even when I’m sure she was overwhelmed with all the things she had to do! Such an amazing role model for this team! I want to nominate Ella for leading the benefit dinner. The night went off super well and she created an environment that allowed lots of people to work as a team to create an amazing final product. She was so great to work with throughout the whole process! Amanda deserves a Ripple Award for the hour she spent up to her elbows in fish skins trying to dislodge them from the baking pans. It was tedious, messy work and she did it with a smile and a laugh! I want to nominate Syd, Rylie, and Ben for the Ripple Award this week. I can’t express just how much help they were with all the planning and prep for the benefit dinner. It was such a relief for be to know that when I was busy, I had such amazing people that could step in. I’d love to nominate Ella, Syd, Ben, and Ry for a ripple award for making sure that the benefit dinner was running smooth from preparing the recipes to being at the loft all day to the plating. Everything ran so smooth because of them! I’d like to thank the freshmen who were quick to respond when the team presentation plan changed I would like to nominate Sloan for the Ripple Effect because she did an amazing job cleaning up after the benefit dinner last night and she always knows how to make me laugh, motivate me, and make my day better! Rylie made my week better she helped me get ready for the benefit dinner and answered all the questions I asked since I don’t know much as a lil freshman.
The Ripple Effect award is given to athletes whose actions have a positive effect on their coaches, teammates, perception of the team by the public or the University of Wyoming community. I would like to have Maddy get the Ripple effect award! She’s been doing a lot of hard work with all the leaf raking and the Patagonia orders with little to no help. With all this stress she’s still keeping positive and HAPPY! I'd like to nominate maddy for the ripple effect for this week for all the work she has put into organizing leaf raking and the patagonia order! Maddy has been working hard getting the Patagonias and been positive and encouraging at practice and leaf raking!! I think Maddy should get the ripple effect award. I realize leaf raking and Patagonia sweaters are her job, but it's been super busy and she's doing well. Leaf raking may end up being the biggest fundraiser of the year end she's leading the charge. I would like to nominate Bryan. We had a great run on Saturday on which he shared with me his life story and he gave me some good advice about life and school and he’s been a great role model for me. Zoe was just a real friend to me this week, she helped me talk over some stuff that was bothering me, and she follows through with her commitments. For ripple effect I think we should give one to the whole team because no one felt good at all but we persevered and got 17 ish lawn done this week! ~ Maddy
The Ripple Effect award is given to athletes whose actions have a positive effect on their coaches, teammates, perception of the team by the public or the University of Wyoming community. Kat made my weekend better :) I was a freshman with no idea what to do and she invited me to pack food with her and made me feel like less of a deer in headlights. I would like to nominate Nadia for the Ripple Effect Award. She was very helpful around the house this weekend, cleaning up and doing dishes and such :) Ben was amazing this weekend! Every time I looked up for someone to help he was there, even when there wasn't an obvious job to be done he found a way to help!
The Ripple Effect award is given to athletes whose actions have a positive effect on their coaches, teammates, perception of the team by the public or the University of Wyoming community. I wanted to nominate Ella for the ripple effect. She’s always positive and engaged and she always makes sure people feel included. Ella made my week better! I was injured this week and she still supported me and tried to help anyway she could. I would like to nominate Trevor. He’s just done a great job of being inclusive of everyone and made me feel like an important member of the team.
For years we have had 'Citizenship Points' for athletes going above and beyond what would be expected of them and helping their coaches, teammates, or other people. They have generally been hidden but played into Steamboat Points.
We have decided to change the name to the Ripple Effect Award and make them not only public but make it possible for anyone to nominate someone for the award. The idea of this award is that athletes actions have a positive effect on their coaches, teammates, perception of the team by the public or UW, or some other way that will ripple out into the team and community. This week is the first award and I am excited to give an incredible list of athletes who not only completed a very grueling Medal Test at 7:30am on Saturday morning and not only attended the Medicine Bow Trail Day BUT worked extremely hard, without prodding, for the entire 2.5 hours. The work accomplished was substantial and the teamwork demonstrated was phenomenal. Congratulations to the following people for being part of the inaugural Ripple Effect Award!
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