Guild Crown
Guilds are made up of 3-6 individuals who will work together to create the best environment for achieving individual glory in the Epic Quest. You will support, nurture, encourage, and in every way create an environment in which all members of your Guild will thrive.
There is also a Guild Crown to be won at the end of the game. Guilds may earn points for this Crown in a variety of ways some examples are below.
There is also a Guild Crown to be won at the end of the game. Guilds may earn points for this Crown in a variety of ways some examples are below.
- Meeting weekly
- Creative ways for Guild members to ‘Train together’
- Create a Legend in the form of a cartoon or written work that tells the story of your Guild
- Members post to the ‘Words of Wisdom’
- Pictures of Guild Members training in epic or creative places or ways uploaded to the ‘Epic Quest Archives’
If you want to see the talismans earned to achieve this rating as well as the member of each of the Guilds please see the Guild Talisman Scroll.